Historic Building Lobby – working with a group

Historic Building Lobby – working with a group

Sound familiar?
We’re familiar with the ‘old song’ about the difficulties that can occur getting 2 people who share a home to agree on design decisions.

As pleased as I was to be asked to consult with the owners of a historic Boston co-op building, I was equally aware of the challenges in satisfying the requirements of a group of property-owners sharing a very real interest in the same building.  The subject of my work for them was to create a new color palette for the lobby and vestibule of their 1924, “classic Old-Boston” building in the historic heart of Boston.

The Challenge
My first meeting with the property owners included at least one person representing each unit. After our introductions, we had a vibrant dialogue that consisted primarily of their expressing personal likes and dislikes. Starting with the existing bright yellow in both the vestibule and the lobby itself, opinions were effusive and diverse!   “I Hate Yellow!” …”I’d Kill for Yellow!”

Original colors: Yellow Entry

Well, the fact is that the existing color Was yellow, in the lobby area as well as the entry vestibule. The dialogue continued, then, with a review of the purpose of my working with them and defining the goals. Having listened to–and Hearing–their concerns, I described the approach I would take to meet the goals.

The Process
Basically, it came down to “what is best for the building will be best for the group.”  This is a good example of communicating when it’s necessary to leave the individuals’ strongest color preferences in their own interior spaces. As a core belief I hold for this kind of situation, it was my consistent emphasis at that time and throughout the entire extended process of the renovation.

During that first day, I selected a variety of colors to create an overall palette direction. I focused on a range of warm and cool “earth-tones” with a few accent colors as options to consider.

The points that were the focus of my approach in meeting their requests included:

  • Make the most of the beautiful, historic building.
  • Classic colors that suit the building. A palette that’s distinctive, not “ordinary,” yet one that’s comfortable and welcoming.
  • Focus on the architecture.
  • It’s often about moving beyond what is currently there, what we’re used to seeing. Change can be traumatic.
  • What’s the experience we, and others, have when coming into–and leaving–the building?
  • Respect for and reflection of the quality and style of the current panel murals. Not matching, but rather enhancing and supporting.

The Spaces
I was asked to consult about paint colors for “a lobby.” When I arrived at the site for our first meeting, I discovered something a bit more complex. Yes, it was actually two spaces–not one. But what a pair! The entry vestibule, and the actual lobby.

Here are the new colors you can compare with the original yellow, shown above.

Final colors: 2 Views in the vestibule, left and right sides.

Timing is important!
Because the color selections were just one part (but a critically important part!) of the process of the extensive renovation of the space, it was good to be brought in at the beginning of the process rather than right before the painters were to start. I visited the site throughout the construction process for color-plan reviews with the group’s point person. Sometimes 2 or 3 people met with me but that was a good thing to continue to communicate and confirm our direction and the ultimate selections.

After developing the main palette for the two spaces, which included a variety interesting, yet conservative, colors, they asked me to add an alternate palette they described as “bolder, brighter, and  ‘cheerier’.” Remember, they are coming from …bright yellow.

Entry vestibule
Coming in from the street, the vestibule has some natural light–but of course being very dimly lit at night with limited light sources. Lots of an almost-pink color marble, a high ceiling, and beautiful black, wrought-iron crafted doors. Bright yellow walls!

Original colors: Entry – come up the stairs

The Lobby Area
A long, narrow rectangle – you enter on the long side. At each end of the room there’s an entrance to an individual condo. Each of the upper stories of the building has only one unit per floor. The walls are divided into sections, with moldings framing mural panels. The walls below the chair-rail molding are divided in the traditional manner with sectioned frame-style molding.

Original colors: Half of the lobby area.

Overhead fans with lights, and 2 table lamps make the yellow walls even more glaring.

The Murals
As it happened, and what came out in conversations, people had reactions to the murals that were as strong as their feelings about the current yellow wall color!  Some of the owners even said they had never really liked the murals.

But most were wanting to keep them, so the questions became:  How to select a color that will support the hues and tone of the mural panels, yet not have to “match” anything there?

Original colors: Mural wall – closeup

Near the murals, the space called for a particular color type.
The lower part of the wall had some other requirements because it was adjacent to the marble (same as vestibule) as baseboard, with a multicolored stone floor that had very different color indications.

Even though I intended to keep all the background wall colors very “neutral,” personally I thought that it could be interesting to pick up one or another of the mural colors in an accent…even a very thin pencil-outline around the mural frame, as if using a fillet in the mat and framing of artwork. I still think this would have been an interesting way to make the murals be more like individual fine art pieces, since they were each already framed as if they were individual paintings.

I was asked to consider a variety of decorative treatments that would have been completely appropriate to the space, the history, and the architecture, but budgetary considerations brought us back to the paint-only model. For this, even though I had many years of experience in these artistic applications, I would have brought in another professional to do that work.

The Floor
In any location the floor is usually a large portion of visible surface. Even with furniture in a room, it’s a big consideration in any space because, after all, it is at the base of what every other surface relates to in some way, either perpendicularly or in parallel.

Original wall colors – Granite tile floor.

One of the parties had  a personal request to see something like a very pale pink on the walls with a grayish greenish white on the trim–or even perhaps a stronger color like “a soft orange, with a cream trim.”  She mentioned it being difficult for some people to go from bright yellow to “gray,” so they wanted to see a brighter, more vivid, option. Having no problem with this request, I did present another palette that would also represent the goals for this space. Ultimately, they selected one of the original color combinations.

The Lighting
Knowing that there would be an entirely different lighting setup once the construction was done–yet working in a very yellow type of low-light situation during the entire paint specification process was interesting. It required quite a bit of imagination and awareness of the impact of lighting on how color will really ‘look’ in a particular area under different lighting conditions.

I had no real examples of the specified lighting, where I could refer to my actual painted color cards for a representation of my palette in the renovated space. I just knew somewhat the type and basic “color” of the specified lighting.  It was helpful to consult with the lighting designer for this project, Doreen LeMay Madden of Lux Lighting Design, about what I might expect, in general, from the lighting plan she had created for this space.

Getting Married
All these elements that were not so noticeable at first glance, with the overpoweringly hued yellow walls and the inadequate lighting. But when you take away the distractions of the extreme yellow and the green rug, the marriage had to go forward into a future of the two spaces having compatible and complementary, harmonious existence!

New Colors, New lighting, Elegant New Look!

So you Want to Paint Your Home? First Step – test your colors!

So you Want to Paint Your Home? First Step – test your colors!

Condo and HOA associations
Focus on detail of this multi-owner condo group, a typical type of structure: Triple-Decker in Boston
So you Want to Paint Your Home? First Step – test your colors!

Q: If you’re a homeowner…
Are you about to make decisions about paint color?

Q: If you’re a builder or design professional…
Are you about to recommend paint colors for a client?

Q: What are the best ways that you can…
Make high quality color test samples to help you make your color recommendations and decisions?

You are Not Alone!
Color Overwhelm is A Common Experience!

Are you a homeowner who is overwhelmed by the thousands of color choices available? If so, you’re not alone! In fact, even building professionals, who have been asked a thousand times “how will it look?” can sometimes feel like there are just too many colors out there to sort through to provide clients with something unique yet suitable. Either way, how much time and diligence do you have, to test a lot of color swatches and come up with the very best answer?

Whether you are doing this yourself or perhaps even suggesting that your client do it and let you know what they want to use (and some people will actually want to do this), I’d like to share a few tips that you can recommend, or even use yourself if they are new to you. It’s not “rocket science,” we all know that. But as with many things that seem simple and yet become overwhelming, there are proven methods to help.

Tips for Testing

Keep it simple – see the light

The approach is similar for interior and exterior color testing.I recommend starting with the premise that color looks different in all types of lighting and of course throughout the day—and evening—on different surfaces. Color changes in corners, also, as it intensifies where two walls of the same color meet, and it changes in other ways depending on the actual lighting and also when two walls or surfaces (ie: wall and ceiling) of differing colors meet. It’s the angle that does it – whether the typical 90 degrees or something else, as in a vaulted ceiling, and the reflection of light causes the colors to affect each other.

Test sheen samples
Test the color in the sheens you want to use.

Therefore, the following apply
1. Make the paint test on a moveable and reposition-able surface. Something that can be affixed temporarily to any wall, ceiling, or even floor (when you are painting a floor).

Note: do not use your blue tape on the edges of this! Tape the back side only.

2. Make the colored surfaces in proportion to each other, for example: Trim colors will usually be narrower than the wall or siding color surfaces.

3. Be sure the surface you paint the test on is primed, or at least under-painted with a color similar to what you’re testing. For example, you can of course use poster board but since it’s paper, it must be oil-primed so it does not warp. Personally I like to use a flat-finish, fast drying low odor product for this.  You can also use one of the available professional quality paint testing surface products. “Mighty Boards” at 18″ x 24″ is the best, does not require any preparation –just paint them–and they have smaller sizes also.

Don’t paint your tests right on the wall.

Note to professionals
I’ve typically prepared up to 20 or so poster boards with a fast drying, low odor, matte surface oil primer, to have ready to go in advance–and easy to use at a moment’s notice–when preparing color tests for clients.

  1. Roll on 2 coats of your finish (test) color, making the application as close to what you intend to do on the final surface. Use a roller or brush similar to what you plan to use on the job.
  2. Use a stable surface with a texture similar to the wall or surface to be painted. IF the target surface is textured, it’s worth it to make a replica since color reacts so differently with the light falling on textured or smooth surfaces.
  3. Be sure to do the test with the same finish you’ll be using on the actual surface (Flat? Eggshell? Semi-or-high-gloss?)
  4. Label your sample cards.
  5. Size: even if you have to create a few boards to make up each test color, try to end up with at least 4 square feet of new color. You can configure it in any way that they fit for your house view.
  6. For exterior color testing, paint an area about 5’x5’ minimum of white, right on the house, so that when you test your new color boards you are not influenced by the existing house color. If this is not possible, hang up a white sheet on the side of the house (Pin, or even staple it to the siding) and put your test color boards on that. Be sure to include your new or existing trim color in this method.


Image 4: Testing 2 colors right on a colored wall is confusing.
Using the white background: Can you tell which of the 2 colors in image 4 this one matches?
Using the white background with another test color: Can you tell which of the 2 colors in image 4 this one matches?

What about materials?
I mentioned using wood, (smooth and primed, of course), poster board and foam core (oil prime first), and you can use other substrates like gator board, or drywall (also prime).

Interior or exterior, the same process applies. For exterior work you might want to have some siding pieces available that are at least very similar to the house, if not the exact same thing. Doing more than just one “strip” (minimum 4 to 6 strips high, of clapboard style) will give a more accurate view of what the shadows will do at various times of day. Remember to make trim samples also, in the same widths as the actual trim and casings or other details.

Further Guidance

  • Block the other colors by hanging a white sheet, using white paper, or painting a white primer background.
  • Note: Using a roller is best to get the most solid coverage (yes, apply two coats) and no streaks. The point is to replicate the actual color appearance of the final surface.
  • Placement is important—Try to place your siding sample color strips next to the window or door casings, for the most accurate view of the colors and how they relate to each other.
  • Patches are confusing—use one color at a time. This is a useless waste of time, money and emotion. 

What if you would like to see what your house or other building would look like with new colors…BEFORE it’s painted?  That’s possible, and I can help!

Digital Color Views! Check out Designer Color Palettes on this site.
For any interior and exterior projects, there is one more thing you can offer, that some painters have even used as their palette application guidelines: You can order a digital rendition of what the house will look like (exterior) with the various colors on the different parts of the house. That’s a great way to show a couple of color options in an overall visual. The output you receive is in .jpg or .pdf format.  We can even show up to 50 different color areas on each image we prepare for you, if needed! Any detail can be included in the views.
Just ask me about this service.

So, you might ask, why go to all this trouble, anyway?
The main reason is: Minimize confusion, and make the color choices easy.
Stripes and color patches on the walls – and that includes exteriors – look messy and are visually confusing. You can’t see the specified colors next to each other on a large enough surface because there is just too much going on and the existing colors will inform the appearance of the tested colors.

To review, and illustrate a few notes about color testing…

exterior color texting 1
Testing color strips right on the building is confusing and you can’t move the colors.

Instead of painting one or more “new” colors right on the house body, be sure to put the test colors on a moveable surface as described. It’s confusing to test multiple colors on the same surface (Note in this picture the blue is above, yellow is existing, and the brown is another test color.

Narrow strips for testing trim and detail colors should be placed right where they will be used.

color testing trim
Testing colors in proportion to their use

Make narrow strips proportionate in size to the overall area when testing detail trim or other accent colors.

Fantasy testing – don’t do this!

testing paint colors

Image credit: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/uimages/sf/10-1-sunset2.jpg