Portfolio - A Variety of Exterior and Interior Projects

Where and how do the right color choices make the most difference?

Personality, Neighborhood, and More

Exterior colors create “curb appeal” when they work well. Many choices can be great, but there is much to consider, including:

  • your personal lifestyle
  • home architecture
  • the neighborhood in general

These are just three of the many factors that are part of making the color selections work to create the best “look and feel” for you and your own home.

Involved with a Real Estate Professional? Tell them about our services.

It's Easy to See...

It’s easy to see why the right colors make a big difference. Making exterior and interior color choices for our own homes is a big decision. Take a look at the images below in the exterior and interior galleries.  These are just a few examples of different kinds of color decisions made by my clients for exterior and interior projects.

Included in these images are homes from the Boston area where I used to live, before moving to California.

Feeling and Functioning...What's Color Got to Do With It?

Not to be the dictator of your colors…I’m here to advise, appreciate your situation, collaborate and refine color selections.

Part of what I do is to help you expand your relationship to color. This means bringing you “outside of the box” of the ideas about color use you have had in the past.

How do you personally Feel when you see your home? I hope to help create the best possible answers to that question.

Exterior and Interior Galleries

The projects in the exterior and interior galleries shown below are from a few clients nationwide.

For others, who have used our unique “Designer Color Palettes” (DCP)â„¢ service that can also include online color consulting, you can see many on that dedicated DCP gallery.

You can read some of these clients’ comments that reflect their experiences working with me.

Clients who are HOA members are highlighted here:

Exterior Gallery - Single Residences

I’ve just chosen a few projects to highlight below. These images represent a variety of individual homes that are not part of an HOA. Be sure to check back for updates!

Visit the HOA galleries here!

Also see the DesignerColorPalettes™ galleries (DCP)

Interiors Gallery

You’ll see some of these spaces in other pages on this site; others make their first apprearance here. I’ve just chosen a few varied projects to highlight here.  Be sure to check back for updates!
