Condos and HOA's are a Specialty
Do You Feel Trapped by Limited — Even Confusing — Color Choices?
Color Specialist Barbara Jacobs Can Help Solve Your Dilemmas.
Resolve Your Complex Color Design Projects
Condo Associations & HOA Groups offer unique, often challenging limitations that we will resolve. You can relax! I enjoy offering my clients all this, and more!
- Collaboration with owners, management, and contractor
- Creativity
- Communication
- Presentation Options
- Ability to effectively work “Off-Site and Long-Distance” when necessary
This Process is Relevant in Many Important Ways
- You’ll benefit from my knowledge of color effects, and a keen sense of color that is not about ‘trends,’ but appropriate to the “big picture” of your building, in a historic sense.
- An ability to properly consider the neighborhood and the homeowners
- A well-organized, professional approach and process
- Effective communication and attention to detail
- Ability to prioritize and add structure to your HOA needs
- DCP – Designer Color Palettes—my own professional, proprietary digital image service that allows all people involved to preview their new interior and exterior color selections, showing their homes in full, detailed color.
- For long-distance and even local clients, it is “online color consulting” with a personal connection.
The brief excerpt below is from a lengthy letter I received from a group of 6 condo-owners in a Boston area “triple-decker.”
See more…at the client testimonials page.
“…Amazingly, we all agreed on a scheme quite easily, knowing that any of the three options would be a quality choice. None of the colors were any that we had individually considered, and yet, they were all just right for us.
As a result, our condominium’s investment in Barbara Jacobs’ service was one of the best our association has made. Moreover, on the most basic level, it ensured harmonious relationships within the building.
On a higher level, it made us realize just how difficult it is to put together a color scheme that actually works and will hold up over time, and how extraordinarily helpful expert opinion in this area can be.
I highly recommend talking to Barbara before you embark on what may well be your most important real estate investment.”
—Homeowner Group
Jamaica Plain, MA