About Services



Find Out About Our 5-Step Process

On-Site, Personal Site Visit

  • Hourly and “block of time” rates will apply.
  • We meet at your site, talk about all your color and design concerns. All interested decision-makers will ideally be present at this initial meeting.
  • I’ll take interior and exterior pictures, as application to our work together.
  • We’ll discuss color direction and select some colors to start with.
  • Using our selected colors, I create the agreed-upon palettes for your location.
  • We both receive our large color sheets I’d already ordered.
  • We can followup with a personal meeting to review all selected colors and refie the final selections.
  • We communicate throughout, about our progress, sharing opinions.
  • I write up a paint plan for you that you can share with your painter. Areas, paint colors and brands, and other notes will be included.
  • Optional, but useful even for local clients:
    You can add our DCP/Designers Color Palettes visualization service at any time during or after this process. (note: painters appreciate this, too!)

Long-Distance Color Design Consultation

  • Hourly and “block of time” rates will apply here also.
  • I’ll work with images you send as reference materials, prior to our virtual meeting.
  • We’ll have a virtual “walk-through” meeting, using facetime or zoom, to talk about all your color and design concerns. All interested decision-makers will ideally be present at this initial meeting.
  • We’ll discuss color direction and select some colors to start with.
  • Using our selected colors, I create the agreed-upon palettes for your location.
  • We both receive our large color sheets I’d already ordered.
  • We can followup with a personal meeting to review all selected colors and refine the final selections.
  • We communicate throughout, about our progress, sharing opinions.
  • I write up a paint plan for you that you can share with your painter. Areas, paint colors and brands, and other notes will be included.
  • Ideally you will opt to use the DCP service so you can see what results are possible, before you buy any paint to test.
  • You can add our DCP/Designers Color Palettes visualization service at any time during or after this process. (note: painters appreciate this, too!)

Beyond Personal Opinions: The Science Behind Color

Once upon a time it was all about the colors you “Love.”

But while loving the spaces you live and work in, there’s a lot more to the colors that are best to create optmium spaces.

“Supportive Color for the Built Environment” is my way of saying that there is science behind our color choices. The physical qualities—and their related responses, even to emotional effects—are all included. Hue, Value, Chroma…Saturation, texture, environmental lighting, room sizes, and more…are some of the important elements that combine in myriad ways to create spaces that add to comfort, productivity, and more healthy, supportive environments.

Typically we’re not literally, overtly aware of all this going on; it seems to happen “behind the scenes.” Nonetheless, it’s very real.

As a foundation, all of these pieces combine, in creating the ultimate best colors to apply in any built environment.

This is essentially what I consider when working with you. Collaboration, Your preferences, and behind it all the scientific information that mixes well with intuition.

Exterior Color Design

More than just paint, color is a choice to be made for roofing, hardscaping, landscape, and all aspects of your home or other building. We can address any of them to help you create your favorite place to come to.

Condo / HOA Groups are a specialty.

Get the details here.

Interior Color Design

Helping you select supportive interior colors for your home or workplace. Creating your most comfortable, personally styled home or effective workplace.

Collaboration and communication are essential for best results. Color is the key.

Not only about paint, this service applies to any product or material that you use, that has color.

Site visit, or long-distance.

Get the details here.

DCP: Designer Color Palettesâ„¢

Local or long-distance, our unique visual services will help you see your building in a new light—with new color schemes before you buy any cans of paint!

You can select this optional service at any time.

Get the details here.

Working with Real Estate Professionals

Selling your house? I’ll work with your Real Estate Professional (or with you directly if you’re selling it yourself) to help create the most curb appeal—and the important emotional appeal.

Color, and other items like architectural elements, lighting, fences, and other components are all-important to appeal to buyers.

Get the details here.

To Enjoy Your Decor: Fine Home Furnishings. Select, then Order Directly, Yourself!

New! Your resource for seeing and actually purchasing directly.  You’ll find a variety of fine home furnishings and accessories, unique tiles, textiles and wallcoverings.

Since this new service recently became available, I’ve been excited to offer it.

  • I enjoy selecting a wide range of curated items at a very wide range of price points and design styles.
  • If you don’t see what suits your own personal style and budget, I can help create a personal created selection for you.

I hope you enjoy this new section and am happy to answer your questions!

Get the details here.

Fine Art Consulting

Offering custom ordering of original fine art and limited-edition archival prints on paper, metal, and canvas. This applies to my own artwork, sourcing a new artist, or helping you with your existing artwork.

You can even preview what my work will look like in your own home.

Get the details here.


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